How Much Does a Chiropractor Cost in the Bay Area?

Apr 11, 2024

The most common question I get asked is, “what are your rates?” My current half hour appointment is $160 (or $140 for Monthly Members), but this answer leaves out the most important factor, which is “how much is the cost of care overall?”

Over the course of my career, I have almost never been asked, “how long are your appointments,” or “how effective are you?” or even “how much experience do you have with my condition?” The only question anyone knows to ask is, “what is your per visit fee?”

If you were to call around offices in the San Francisco Bay Area and ask chiropractors what their fees are, you’d hear answers in the $60 to $200 range. That’s a large spread of answers, and that’s because we all operate in different ways.

My style is to offer longer appointments (half an hour) so that I can identify muscle tension patterns and massage the tense muscles first. That way the chiropractic adjustment has a longer lasting effect, and I can see patients less often than other chiropractors, which saves you time and money.

In other words, “how much will I spend on care?” is the result of the “per visit fee” times the “visit frequency.” Without looking at both factors, you don’t know which style will cost you more (or less).

Also, the experience and effectiveness of the practitioner determines how long it’ll take to identify your issue and resolve it. Since I’ve been in practice since 2001, I have over 2 decades of experience helping all members of the family get into great shape, and stay that way.

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