Achilles Tendinitis Treatment in Walnut Creek
Elon Bartlett is a Achilles tendinitis chiropractor in Walnut Creek, CA who customizes every visit to suit your particular needs. At the beginning of care he’ll examine your condition and will really take the time to listen to you. Dr Bartlett will explain his approach, and what he can do to help you.
Achilles tendinitis treatments at Acorn Wellness Center are long enough to always include soft tissue work which addresses the muscle tension patterns that contribute to Achilles tendinitis.
Visits that focus on Achilles tendinitis will also include instruction on stretching and strengthening exercises and ways to alter your lifestyle, all with the goal of preventing your Achilles tendinitis from returning.
Acorn Wellness Center’s achilles tendinitis chiropractor in Walnut Creek, Elon Bartlett, has been serving the East Bay since 2003. Dr. Bartlett also offers treatment for plantar fasciitis in Walnut Creek – this is potentially a related condition.

What is Achilles Tendinitis?
Tendons connect muscle to bone, and the Achilles tendon connects your calf muscles to your ankle bone, which is called the calcaneus. For this reason, the medical name of the tendon is the calcaneal tendon, but almost everyone uses the colloquial term, Achilles tendon. Every time you take a step forward, you’re relying on your Achilles tendon to transmit force from your calf to your foot, so people who use their legs a lot for walking or running can develop an inflamed and irritated condition, known as Achilles tendinitis.
Achilles Tendinitis Symptoms
Whether you’re a long distance runner or another type of endurance athlete, or you’re someone who just has tight calf muscles, you may develop pain at the back of your heel that’s exacerbated by walking, running, jumping, or even prolonged standing. Many patients say the pain is worse first thing in the morning. The area may be warm, swollen, and tender to the touch.
Achilles Tendinitis Treatment
No matter the level of physical activity, Achilles tendonitis can be long-term and difficult to treat. The good news is that chiropractic care and techniques that break up scar tissue such as pin-and-stretch massage and/or Rapid Release Therapy can be very effective at treating your Achilles tendonitis and in many cases can eliminate the condition quickly and permanently.
Adjusting the joints of the foot and leg will restore normal function, thus relieving stress on your Achilles tendon and lower leg. Many patients feel relief from Achilles tendonitis after just one chiropractic treatment.
Acorn Wellness Center in Walnut Creek, CA specializes in chiropractic care for athletes of every level, including the non-athletes. We can help anyone experiencing the painful effects of Achilles tendonitis. Let us take a look at your situation and put together a plan for healing your tendonitis permanently. Then you can get back to living the life you love.
Meet Our Chiropractor
Acorn Wellness Center in Walnut Creek, CA is run by Chiropractor Elon Bartlett. Dr Bartlett is one of Walnut Creek’s top-rated chiropractors, and has been specializing in prenatal and postpartum chiropractic care since 2001, making him one of the Bay Area’s most experienced chiropractors as well.
Dr. Bartlett has always had a passion for optimal body mechanics and bodywork which can be seen in his background as a massage therapist and advanced student of Tai Chi Chuan. Another passion of his, empowering birth, began as a child upon seeing images of his own, peaceful home birth. Once he made the progression from massage therapist to chiropractor, he combined his passions by specializing in prenatal and postpartum chiropractic care.
From his Walnut Creek, CA office, Dr. Bartlett practices Diversified chiropractic, incorporating Activator, Drop, NeuroMuscular Re-education (NMR), and CranioSacral Therapy (CST) into his treatments. His treatment style is gentle and precise, meaning he only uses as much force as is required to achieve the desired result. What sets him apart as a chiropractor is that he begins every treatment with NMR, a therapeutic form of massage, to soften muscle tension first and then uses manual palpation to assess what treatment is needed, only relying on X-Ray when required.
Click “Schedule Now” to start your personalized care plan with Walnut Creek Chiropractor Dr. Bartlett.
Dr Bartlett has changed my life! Not only did the adjustments he made to my body give me relief, he also showed me how to do simple exercises and stretches that helped tremendously. Dr Bartlett is a miracle worker and an incredibly smart and kind person, highly recommended.
Dr. Bartlett is a very skilled chiropractor and has done wonders for our family. He’s a great listener and cares deeply about his patients. Completely dedicated to his craft and making our bodies and nervous systems work for the long term. Thanks Dr. Bartlett!
When my back went out for the first time a few years ago, I found Dr Bartlett on Yelp. He was incredibly responsive and attentive and after only one treatment I was back on my feet again and able to get back to work. I have since seen him for ongoing treatments and preventative care – Every time I go I feel instant relief of my back and neck tension. As a bonus, his office is attractive and immaculate and he’s personable and professional. Highly recommended!
The common goal of chiropractic services is to help you get out of pain, feel relaxed, and increase your level of health and vitality. Acorn Wellness Center serves the East Bay from their location in Walnut Creek, California.
We want you to start feeling better today, with personalized care that takes into account your unique needs. All chiropractic care plans in Walnut Creek start with in-depth assessments of neck, back, or body pain and injuries and goal-setting. Ethical care is our highest priority – you can always count on us to take the time to explain your best treatment options and answer any questions that you might have.
We specialize in prenatal care, however our chiropractic services are for every member of the family.
Conditions treated with Chiropractic Care in Walnut Creek
- Joint and Muscle Pain
- Sports Injuries
- Headaches / Migraines
- TMJ Dysfunction
- Pinched Nerves